
Monday, March 1, 2010

You know, 3 year olds have pretty cool dreams!

Well, as I was here thinking of something to write, Gary Paul came in and tried to sit on my lap. He ended up knocking down the phone and falling off of the chair before I helped him. He then told me that he had had a dream. I asked him what his dream was about? He said "I had a dream that I was flying to the USA with my friends and we flew some where and then we flew to america and then somewhere to America! And then we went back to our house and played with a microphone!" I know, alot of information to take in in one sitting. Well, he kept explaining and I got the bright idea to post his little dream! You should've seen how excited he was when I told him I'd post it! Actually, I'll show you!
Isn't he CUTE?
(And a very good face actor :-} )


Unknown said...

gary is soo cute

Dolly said...

He's a real cutie-patootie!!!