
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Of all the days it could have been...

Of course, the day we finally decide to go to Jeruselum it RAINS. No, not a nice, face cooling drizzle, a TORRENTIAL DOWNPOUR. But of course, we went anyway. The babies stayed home with Jessica, so it was just me, Traci, my Dad, and my Mom. Don't get me wrong, it was very fun, but VERY cold! We saw the place where the Virgin Mary was born, and where she died. We saw the Garden of Gesemoni and the stone that was believed tto be the one Jesus prayed on. And we ALMOST got into the Muslim Mosk, but there was a protest of Isralis and we ended up waiting in the cold wind, soaked through, for around 25 minutes to find out we wern't aloud in. Yippe. Now, Im at home. I just got back from a Jewelry making activity for Young Womens. Of course, when I walked home it rained AGAIN, so I am once again soaked through with no hot water to take a bath.  :( . How was everyone's weekend? Make sure you've read my earlier posts, and follow my blog!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

What are you blogging about? Nothing....

Nothing much happened today. All I really did was go to church and come home, have linner (lunch and dinner combined) and play Mario Kart. Then I got on facebook, checked my farmville (well, my moms farmville.....) and all that stuff. We weighed my bunny. I guess that's intresting. he weighs 1 lbs 3 ounces. FAT BUNNY. Actually he's not that fat... so, I can't wait till I get a facebook of my own! 3 months, 11 days until my thirteenth birthday and the day when I can get my facebook! Oh, and a you tube channel. Then I don't have to take an hour to search for a free website I can put my songs on and then paste some sort of link on the blog page. I can just paste the youtube link. Speaking of YouTube, I watched a hilarious video today. It was called "10 Reasons You Know You Are The Most Unpopular Person in Your High School". It had Napolean Dynamite in it! I loved that movie! I died laughing when I watched it! I've seen it..... probably around 7 times! Well, hope your day was a LITTLE more exciting than mine.... Tchus!! (Thats "Bye" in German)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Two of My Songs!!

Ok, so you probably heard from one of my older posts that I was writing songs. here are Two of them!!!
here is Thunderstorm:
And here is Once Upon a Time:

Scroll Down on the page you get to and click "Download"

Look mama! A clown! Yes honey, he's here for Pureim!

Ok, so pureim is a hebrew holiday where ALL the little kiddos come to school, or gan (preschool) in costumes and play games and eat candy. Well, in school today in last Block, all the Hebrew classes who were doing classes at that time went to the Gym for a little Carnival we were doing. I was at the BOWLING STATION! BOWLING STATION! It was so boring, just standing there, reseting pins, giving little kids plastic bowling balls, being hit by kids who had plastic bowling balls, and all that kinda stuff. One of the good things was that I could take some of the candy when no one was watching me... :) hehehe.... and another good thing was taking this hilarious poicture with our heads in place of Queen Ester's and the Kings'! Oh, I forgot to tell you the REAL meaning of Purim! Purim is used to celebrate when Queen Ester saved the WHOLE population of the Jews! It's a very impressive story! The whole story is here: Read and enjoy! Hoped you liked today's speacial Purim post! Make sure you read all my other posts from the beginning if you just got here!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

About the Flaming American Idol in the Background...

Well, you know the 2nd picture I posted with Lilly Scott (is that her name??) the American Idol contestant in the background? You probably want to know why she is on fire... well, the laptop I was using had a setting where, when you moved, it would outline you with fire. I was sitting VERY still while she moved around behind, and I made it look like she was on fire :) Okay, so I'm blogging from P.E. where I can't participate because I fell down the stairs on Monday and hurt my foot (I know, sad). So we have this really big Gym here, and its really cool, but since almost everything at this school is outside, sometimes the pigens get in and crap all over the floor!!! Once I stepped in (*shudder*) while I was playing badminton... uggh... AIS is really cool. It's so open and all the classrooms are cool, except for my Humanities (English and Social Studies Mixed) classroom: Its in a storage closet, but since there are only 12 people in the class, that isn't a problem. If you just came to my blog, make sure you've read ALL my posts!!! Become a member and comment!

Me, Myself....AND MY BUNNY!

haha, hope you like the pictures :)

Cheese Curds! Cheese Curds? Yes, Wisconsin Cheese Curds!

Ok, so about the "cheese curds" thing. Well, in science class we were supposed to bring in a bag of milk. So we put the milk bags in the sinks, and they sat there over the weekend. We came in on monday and almost everybodies milk bags were filled with "curds and whey". Curds are the gloppy things you get when Milk sits out to long (It's actually turned into cheddar cheese!) and whey is this wierd yellow watery liquid stuff that is (as my science teacher, Dr. Fly, calls it) the poop and pee of all the little bacterias that make up the milk. So, the worst part of this project is that we are supposed to (drum roll please.......) EAT IT. Were supposed to drink the mushy stuff! Im trying to think of a way out of it, but nothing comes to mind... wish me luck! So about the Wisconsin Cheese curds in my title. Well, look at this: and you'll see what things I have learned about the AMAZING Wisconsin cheese curd!!!

The News Every Singer Wants to hear!

Today I was in chorus playing a song I wrote called "Once Apon a Time" for my friend Mia, and she was telling me she loved my song and all that kinda stuff. Then, she said her Uncle owns a Record Company and she wanted to try to get me a record deal! I was speachless but awed! This is something everyone who wants to be a singer wants to hear! I couldn't believe it, but she had said it right to my face! Of course Traci started trying to make me feel bad, but I just ignored her. Wish me luck! If I can figure this thing out maybe I'll post my song... we'll see! Happy rest-of-the-week! make sure you read my first post if you just came here!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Hey everyone! Dolli here! Just wanted to start a blog cause I don't want you to become out of touch with my *AMAZING* life! So for my first entery, I will tell you about my life these past months. Ok, so I came on a plane from Troy, MI and landed in Israel. So, we came to our apartment (which was our residence *cough cough, big word... just kidding*) and settled in (Me and Traci running to our shared room and stuffing clothes and books into various shelfs and closets, and the babies running wildly around and falling on the marble floor, tripping over suitcases). Half a month later, We are registered in AIS (dun dun daaaaaa) which isn't half bad and we made alot of friends. Now, to the past two weeks; Ok, so I have probably told almost everone I have a bunny named Kinley now (Kinley is a soda theyonly sell in Israel, and since we can only have this bunny in Israel, I named it Kinley) and he is happy, although my dad avoids him at ALL COSTS. And this week I fell down the stairs and hurt my foot (awwwwww) which is getting me out of P.E. (yay!!!) and maybe even tennis (yes, I do tennis now... no comments please). Today I realized two shocking peices of truth... one, I will not be back in the states for 3 YEARS and two, my Israel BFF is moving to Hungary TOMORROW. Tommorow, February 24th, I lose another person important in my life. I hope you enjoyed my first blog post, and please read! If I missed inviting anyone I know, drop me a comment and I'll email them :) Have a nice day!