
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cheese Curds! Cheese Curds? Yes, Wisconsin Cheese Curds!

Ok, so about the "cheese curds" thing. Well, in science class we were supposed to bring in a bag of milk. So we put the milk bags in the sinks, and they sat there over the weekend. We came in on monday and almost everybodies milk bags were filled with "curds and whey". Curds are the gloppy things you get when Milk sits out to long (It's actually turned into cheddar cheese!) and whey is this wierd yellow watery liquid stuff that is (as my science teacher, Dr. Fly, calls it) the poop and pee of all the little bacterias that make up the milk. So, the worst part of this project is that we are supposed to (drum roll please.......) EAT IT. Were supposed to drink the mushy stuff! Im trying to think of a way out of it, but nothing comes to mind... wish me luck! So about the Wisconsin Cheese curds in my title. Well, look at this: and you'll see what things I have learned about the AMAZING Wisconsin cheese curd!!!

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